Computer Engineering

◉ Introduction

This three years Diploma in Computer Engineering curriculum is designed to produce middle level skilled technician updated with latest skills of computer and information technology with a view to cope with the emerging technological change.Computer Engineering has been contributing the world for the overall development and creating job or employment opportunities in both public and private sectors.

◉ Aim

The program aims to produce mid-level technical human resource equipped with knowledge and skills in allied field of study.

◉ Objectives

After the completion of this program, the graduates will be enabled to:

  • To produce middle level competent technical workforce/human resources that could provide services to the public and private organizations in the field of Computer.
  • To prepare such technicians who are able to work in public and private organizations in general communication, banking and business sectors in particular
  • To prepare such technical workforce who will demonstrate positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values.
  • To help in meeting the demand of such technical workforce required for the public and private organizations of Nepal.
  • To reduce the dependence on employing such technicians from foreign countries.
  • To create self-employment opportunities immensely.

◉ Career Opportunity

The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to non-gazette 1st class/Level 5 (technical) as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal and other related agencies.

S.N. Semester Links
1 First Semester
2 Second Semester
3 Third Semester
4 Fourth Semester
5 Fifth Semester
6 Sixth Semester

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