Information Technology

◉ Introduction

This curriculum is designed with the purpose of producing middle level technical workforce equipped with knowledge and skills related to the areas of IT so as to meet the demand of such workforce in the country to contribute in the national streamline of poverty reduction of our country Nepal. This skills and knowledge included in this curriculum will be successful to deliver the individual needs and the needs in the field of IT.

◉ Aim

The program aims to produce middle level technical personnel in the field of IT with sound academic knowledge equipped with perfect technical skills.

◉ Objectives

After the completion of this program, the graduates will be enabled to:

  • To produce middle level competent technical workforce/human resources that could provide services to the public and private organizations in the field of IT.
  • To prepare such technicians who are able to work in public and private organizations in general communication, banking and business sectors in particular.
  • To prepare such technical workforce who will demonstrate positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values.
  • To help in meeting the demand of such technical workforce required for the public and private organizations of Nepal.
  • To reduce the dependence on employing such technicians from foreign countries.
  • To create self-employment opportunities immensely.

◉ Career Opportunity

The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non- gazette 1st class/Level 5 (technical) as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal and other related agencies.

S.N. Semester Links
1 First Semester
2 Second Semester
3 Third Semester
4 Fourth Semester
5 Fifth Semester
6 Sixth Semester

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